Parenting: Week 3 First Impression

My first thought about this topic is that parenting can be a blend and balance of many different styles, including the three mentioned. In my own experience both my parents held my siblings and I to higher standards with most things from academics to manners. My parents would push us when they believed there is room for improvement, such as if we got a bad grade or struggling in a class. In doing this was positive pressure unlike the pressure that would make us extremely stressful. This gave us qualities of hard work to get the better grade and not settle for something less.

I think the terms tiger mom, jellyfish dad, and helicopter parents are harsh labels and at most times too specific to an individual parent. Parenting is commonly a combined effort and decisions are made together to deal with situations. All the terms of parenting can come with consequences of the kids. A too strict or tiger parent can cause their child to rebel against them. While a parent that is too easy-going or a jellyfish can have their child never taking responsibility or putting in hard work. Being a helicopter parent seems too excessive to a kid and then they don’t want to let their parents into details of their lives. A question I have is does a helicopter parents resemble them trying to live vicariously through their child? They become so in-tune to their lives and then want to perfect it. Also, does parenting vary between children? Some say that parents are more strict on their first child then a second or third. I think the best parenting comes with understanding your child’s interests and strengths, then help and guide them for the most success.

2 thoughts on “Parenting: Week 3 First Impression

  1. I agree with you, putting those type of labels on parents is pretty harsh. Let’s be honest, parenting is hard and most of the parents out there are trying their hardest to be the best parents they can be. I think all parental styles can be judged differently depending on the cultural background one comes from. Some parents are stricter on their children for specific reasons. Maybe they live in a neighborhood that is dangerous at night, resulting in an early curfew (compared to people that live in a safer neighborhood). Strict parenting isn’t always bad as long as the parent is still accepting and responsive. I think it is very important that the parent lets the child know why they have the rules that they do. This will help the child understand their parents point of view and will be more likely to obey the rules. This parenting style is called Authoritative, this is known for being the most successful in regards to how the children turn out to be. In regards to your question of “does parenting vary between children?” I believe it depends on the parent. But I think it would make sense if the parenting styles did change. When parents become parents for the first time, it’s not like they’re experts. They try their best but there might be some mistakes along the way. But they can learn from the first child and try to do better when parenting the second or third child, which might result in a change in parenting styles.


    1. In my opinion, I think that having a child and being a parent in the 21st century is very difficult and is not an easy task. The reason I say this is because of the influence that social media and the internet have on teenagers and children. I think that in order to be a good parent you need to be strict, but not allowing your kid too have certain things can make them angry and want to rebel. It is very important that you have a relationship with your child where they don’t feel afraid of you. They should be a little bit afraid, but not too the point where they feel like it’s uncomfortable to talk about their personal stuff or something serious that is going on in their life. Many kids have helicopter parents and they feel like they can’t tell their parents anything because they will flip out and get mad. Helicopter parenting I strongly disagree with because I see it almost every day in my life and with my friends. I’m not saying that you should let your kid do whatever he or she wants and buy them whatever they want. But I think that as a parent, you should build almost like a friend type bond.


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